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Processes Versus Threads
Monday, 23/04/18 - 1 comment(s)
We always hear people using two terms very often. One is “Process” and the other is “thread”.  Which one is process and which one is thread, and what differentiates the two is often confusing to many folks. In this article, we will try to uncover each of these in the context of Linux operating system, and understand their primary differences... + continue reading
Certificate Chain Validation Process
Wednesday, 11/04/18 - 4 comment(s)
The number of websites on the internet that enforces SSL, ie: HTTPS version of their websites are growing day by day, which a good thing as far as security is concerned. This claim is not without any proof. All major web browser statistics published online does indicate this fact. Checkout the chrome staticstics on ssl published by Google, and... + continue reading
System Calls
Wednesday, 21/03/18 - 0 comment(s)
Let me start this article by stating the fact that “Linux is a multi user and multiprocessing operating system.”  That sentence is quite simple and straightforward to understand. Because we all know the fact that multiple users can be logged into the same Linux machine, and can do their individual tasks, all at the same time.  You... + continue reading
Container Networking Configuration
Sunday, 27/12/15 - 8 comment(s)
    In our previous tutorials, we talked about introduction to docker containers, docker installation, running our first container, pulling images, creating images etc. But we haven't talked about how docker does networking. Its really important to understand the networking part of docker, as the primary use case of Docker is to... + continue reading

Security Related

Certificate Chain Validation Process
2 today
Wednesday, 11/04/18 - 4 comment(s)
The number of websites on the internet that enforces SSL, ie: HTTPS version of their websites are growing day by day, which a good thing as far as security is concerned. This claim is not without any... + continue reading
Methods to secure apache web server
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Monday, 12/05/14 - 1 comment(s)
Apache and Nginx together contribute to at least 80 percent of the websites running on the entire internet. If you are a customer of a hosting service provider or a company, then also you are using... + continue reading
Stop Referrer Spam
35 today
Sunday, 23/03/14 - 2 comment(s)
Internet is a very beautiful place to learn new things and gain information. As it has to provide information and access to anybody from anywhere in the globe, there was no other option, than to keep... + continue reading

Networking Related

Segments, Packets & Frames
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Saturday, 03/06/17 - 4 comment(s)
The terms “Segment”, “Packet”, “Datagram”, “Frames” etc are so much used and reused in different books and articles to convey different meanings, that it has now become totally confusing. Especially... + continue reading
TCP & UDP Checksum
2 today
Friday, 02/06/17 - 0 comment(s)
When you send and receive data over the wire, there are possibilities where the data can get corrupted, altered, or modified(it can be accidental, purposely done with evil intention). Whatever may be... + continue reading
3 today
Thursday, 01/06/17 - 1 comment(s)
IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) is a community of engineers and computer scientists, who work towards bringing different new internet technologies, standards and specifications. A RFC is a... + continue reading

Technical News

Multipath TCP
2 today
Monday, 28/10/13 - 7 comment(s)
Every day we read some or the other technical stuff online that we feel like will be a boom in the coming days. Most of the times the stuff we stumble upon will only be a modified version of an... + continue reading
HTTP Protocol Version 2
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Wednesday, 31/07/13 - 0 comment(s)
Knowingly or unknowingly each and every one of us are using one or the other communication protocol in our day to day lives. It takes a lot of hard work to design a protocol that fulfils our... + continue reading
ubuntu inside windows
0 today
Wednesday, 28/11/12 - 0 comment(s)
Recently one of our Facebook friend asked us about a way to install Linux inside windows like an application. People who are very much used to windows for their day to day usage are a bit hesitant... + continue reading