Technical News

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What is TCP MULTIPATH and how does MULTIPATH in TCP work

Multipath TCP

Every day we read some or the other technical stuff online that we feel like will be a boom in the coming days. Most of the times the stuff we stumble upon will only be a modified version of an already existing thing, or say a re-engineered version of an already existing one.


But in recent days I stumbled upon a major improvement in the networking field, that will surely become a major leap in the way communication systems are designed today.


Sarath Pillai's picture

What is new and latest improvements inside HTTP version 2 Protocol

HTTP Protocol Version 2

Knowingly or unknowingly each and every one of us are using one or the other communication protocol in our day to day lives. It takes a lot of hard work to design a protocol that fulfils our requirement of any network communication. Computer scientists are working day and night to improve, modify or further advance already existing communication systems. Most of the times, they are scientists, working due to the sole reason of interest.

One such large group of computer scientist’s, work in the form of different groups on different topics of interest. They are mostly called as “working groups” of IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).

Sarath Pillai's picture

Installing Ubuntu Inside Windows as an Application

ubuntu inside windows

Recently one of our Facebook friend asked us about a way to install Linux inside windows like an application. People who are very much used to windows for their day to day usage are a bit hesitant installing Linux on their machine.

The major advantage of windows over Linux is the fact that many of the application vendors choose their default platform as windows operating system. Although there are some vendors who make applications for both the platforms, still there is substantial difference in the amount of applications that are made for Linux than the applications made for windows.

Sarath Pillai's picture

SPDY (Speedy) protocol developed by google

Google Speedy Protocol

What is SPDY or Speedy Protocol?

Speedy or SPDY is an expermental protocol developed by google. Its an effort made to reduce the latency present in HTTP.Its a protocol for transporting web content. Google also developed an open source web server that works on speedy protocol, and claims to have achieved 60 percent reduction in web page load time. 

One important thing to note is that , speedy is not built to replace HTTP protocol, but to advance http protocol. Speedy also uses the same HTTP headers but is very differnt in how the connection is managed.

Why is HTTP protocol Slow?

The main two protocols of the internet that makes the web functioning are:

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how to use wkhtmltopdf to convert URL to PDF

convert html to pdf

wkhtmltopdf is a superb tool that can be used to convert a given url or local html page, to pdf format. This tool after installing can be embeded inside php code,inside shell script or any other scripting language.

there are several web based online tools available wherein you can specify the URL you need to convert to pdf as input and download the converted pdf file as output.

But those tools cannot be used while working in a console terminal, or is not a viable option when you need that functionality in a script.
wkhtml to pdf uses webkit engine and qt for converting html to pdf. this package is available for downloaded from
We tested this on an ubuntu machine...(works well with Red hat based machines also).

Sarath Pillai's picture

Leap second bug in linux kernel

On 30th June Sheeri K. Cabral of Mozilla foundation posted a blog on their website. The blog post was regarding some issue with their mozilla servers who's cpu utilization went so high at around 17.00 UTC. The servers who's cpu utilization spiked were having MYsQl and Java programs running.


And they eventually ended up fixing the issue by setting the date once again by the below method





slashmaster's picture

Intel Clover Trail atom Do not Support Linux

There is some bad news for linux fans out there...

Intel reportedly claimed at IDF that Clover Trail-based Atom processors "cannot" handle Linux properly.

This is the forthcoming chip of intel atom

Clover Trail, is a low-power Atom processor that's intended specifically for use in tablets.

The company said that Clover Trail will be "a Windows 8 chip.Intel didnt gave any explanation for this step.

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