Security Notes

Sarath Pillai's picture

Needham-Schroeder protocol Explained

This post will be a major prerequisite for understanding our kerberos documentation.  In this post we will be concentrating on Needham-Schroeder protocol which is used in kerberos for secure authentication. We will not be discussing kerberos in this post, but will be discussing the main prerequisite for understanding kerberos infrastructure. Because Kerberos infrastructure relies on Needham-Schroeder protocol.

Needham-Schroeder protocol reffers to a communication protocol used to secure an insecure network. The protocol got its name from the creaters Roger Needham and Michael Schroeder.

There are twotypes of Needham-Schroeder protocol.

Sarath Pillai's picture

Configuring VSFTP with TLS Security

Before configuring ftp with tls encrytption lets understand some basics about how ftp works.

FTP- File Transffer Protocol.

Its a protocol used to transffer files from one machine to another over TCP. this protocol normally works on a client server model, where a client connects to the ftp server with a user name and password, and fetches the data required.

ftp server can also be configured in such a way that anonymous user can also login and fetch data from the server.

Satish Tiwary's picture

password protection for a file in linux through vim

Security Key can be assigned to to a file in a Linux Machine before creation of that file.

Suppose you want to secure a file before making it or you can say "secure a file at the time of it's creation".

May be you guys already know how to secure a file which is already there but this article is all about  how to protect a file at the time of it's creation or you can say protect a file with a secret key before it's creation.

We use many type of security likes

Satish Tiwary's picture

NMAP in Linux Examples

namp in linux

NMAP in Linux Examples(Tested on Rhel)

From a long time nmap has been used as a network monitoring and scanning tool for system admins even geeks and hackers and members from security department used this tool for penetration testing.


Nmap OS fingerprinting works on the technique that it  used to sending up to 16 TCP, UDP, and ICMP probes to known open and closed ports of the target machine and then listen for responses.


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